Thursday, January 3, 2013

The journey begins part 2

Where did I leave off last? Oh yes, His pediatrician said that he wouldn't experience any type of symptoms until the age of 1 1/2 or 2. So, I didn't look for symptoms. I also didn't want to. I wanted my baby boy to be healthy.

April 15, 2012. It was a Sunday. We went to church and he was cranky, but I just thought he was a little sleepy. So I tried to put him to take a nap, but he wouldn't so I just dealt with him as best I could during church. After church, we went to my parents' house, where I dropped him off and went to work. I didn't really anticipate anything, I thought it was a regular day.

Work was busy, as usual. The phone rang, but we had too many customers at the counter to answer. Then my cell phone rang. I let it go. Then it rang again, this time I checked to see who it was, my parents' house number. I figured if they called again, I'd say I had to go to the bathroom. But they didn't. The last time the phone rang, it was the work phone and one of my coworkers picked it up. He told me that some lady was on the phone. So I answered. "Elliot was acting weird and he was drinking a lot of water and I changed his diaper 5 times already. So me and mom (my grandmother) checked his sugar twice. The first time it was 445, then 15 minutes later it was 457. I called Dr. Smith and he said just to bring Elliot into Children's in Boston."

I was speechless. I just told my mom I'd let a manager know that I needed to leave then hung up. I apologized to my coworkers, told them it was an emergency and I needed to leave. Then I went to the closing manager and told him the baby might have diabetes and I would need to leave early. The manager that was on duty knew me and he knew that this was my worst nightmare.

It really didn't hit me until I was sitting outside waiting for my dad to pick me up and trying to get a hold of my husband. My cousin called me in between the multiple phone calls I was making to my husband's cell phone. As soon as she said, "He's going to be ok, Jesus is going to work on him", I fell to my knees and started to cry. My cousin was crying on the phone, praying and trying to comfort me and all I could do was blame myself for giving my baby this disease.

We go to Children's, and they start poking and prodding my 10 month old. He's crying, I'm crying, my husband is in disbelief. The doctor came in and told everyone what we already knew... He has Juvenile Diabetes. Once the doctor left, I collapsed into my husband while my aunt and my mother tried to console me. The first phone call I made was to my best friend Mollie. She just listened as I cried into the phone. Then she sent me inspiring texts messages filled with scriptures.

We spent a week there. Just brushing up on how to take care of an infant with diabetes, learning his regimen, teaching family members how to do up his insulin shots and count carbs.

The last 9 months have gone by so quickly. He's growing to be such a strong boy. He lets us know when his sugar is low, when it's high. It still pains me to know that my sweet little boy has this horrible disease inside of him. Currently, we are in the process in getting him and insulin pump. The pump has helped me so much. I know it will help him too.

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