Saturday, December 22, 2012

The journey begins part 1

Hi everyone! I'm Zaza and I'm the proud mother of an 18 month old named Elliot. We are both type 1 diabetics. To learn more...

My journey started when I was 2 years old. I was diagnosed August 1, 1989. My father's birthday. Can you imagine the phone call? "Oh hi sweetie, our daughter has diabetes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" lol I don't remember much when I was first diagnosed. My cousin on the other hand was 8 years old and she says that she remembers mom panicking and then me in the hospital crib. She said everyone was sad.

Growing up with diabetes was such a pain in the ass. I never felt normal. I did everything that everyone else did, but I was still different. I remember in the fifth grade, one of my classmates mother's came in with Italian ice for everyone, except me. Her words, "Oh I forgot you were a diabetic, sorry." Then everyone got to have an Italian ice except for me. I went to the nurses office and cried. Not many of my old classmates knew that.

My friends were always supportive. A little over bearing, but supportive. Actually, they still are. But I love them all so very much.

       Me and my best friend Leanne Sims- Bedard. She has been my best friend since the 7th grade and is the most over protective of all of my friends when it comes to my diabetes, besides my husband.
This is my bff Mollie McGrath. We've been friends since freshman year in high school. She is the most amazing person ever. She looks out for me and can set me straight when needed.

My wonderful husband, Steven.

My mom took the best care of me as she could. Even with that, my diabetes has always been fragile, constantly up and down, side to side, around and around. My mom would do everything and anything to try to get a handle on it. See, my mom is also a Type 1 diabetic. She was diagnosed when she was 15 years old. But when I was diagnosed, she put her health on the back burner just so she could focus on mine. The only thing is my mom has no clue how it was like to grow up from a toddler with this evilness in her body. I suffer from depression because of my diabetes. I hate myself sometimes for having it. I think, "What have I done to deserve this punishment?" But then I remember, God gave me this disease for a reason, and I didn't know why until 8 months ago.
Me and my wonderful mother, Ivonne.

April 15, 2012. My worst nightmare realized.

A little background:

When my son was born, the first thing on everyone minds (including my own) "How much is he at risk for diabetes? Will he even have diabetes?" And of course it was the first thing I asked his pediatrician. See told us that if he were to get diabetes, we wouldn't start looking for signs until he was about 11/2-2 years old. So I tried not to focus on it and just raise my son as best as I could. I breastfed him, because it is said that it'll reduce the risk of diabetes. I thought I was home free. Well, I thought wrong.

So I will leave off here because I don't want to write too much that it'll bore you. We'll just say this is part 1 of our diabetic saga. Next week I'll try to finish the beginning.

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